The Miss Florida Seafood will be selected by pageant or alternative selection process this year, depending on the number of contestants. Those eligible to participate are: Junior and Senior girls for the school year who are residents of Franklin aged 16 – 18 years old and have never been married, had a child, and cannot be pregnant.
The Florida Seafood Festival Board awards a $1000.00 scholarship to the Queen; however, the scholarship can be deducted from if the Queen has not fulfilled her duties. In addition to the Florida Seafood Festival parade, Miss Florida Seafood attends several festival parades in surrounding counties to help promote Franklin County seafood and the Florida Seafood Festival. The Seafood Festival Board maintains the Queen’s float, however, a driver, insurance coverage, and vehicle to tow the float must be provided by the Queen to the various events. The Queen is also responsible for the storage of the float during her reign.
The Queen also makes several personal appearances (TV, radio, etc.) to promote the Florida Seafood Festival and Franklin County seafood. Attendance at all events on Festival weekend will be REQUIRED, or again, her scholarship can be deducted. Schedules are to be announced later.
Each contestant must pay a $100 entry fee that is to be obtained from one sponsor. If the contestant is having problems obtaining a sponsor, contact a Seafood Festival Director and they can assist the contestant with obtaining a sponsor. Your sponsor will be noted in the local newspaper, along with your name and photograph.
If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please call Festival Pageant Coordinator Tiffany Lemieux at 912-432-9285.
Fill out the application below: